More than 130 firefighters from 27 area fire departments continuedf to battle the blaze lateMonday afternoon. "Wre have a lot of sore and stifft firefighters," Mayer said. As of earlyt Monday afternoon, no injuries to firefighters had been Mayer said firefighters hadbeen "gaining on the until winds shifted to the northwest after blowing to the southeasrt earlier in the day. The shift preventedr the fire, for the time being, from spreading to other buildingws at the PatrickCudahy complex, Mayer However, the change in wind directionj allowed the fire to spread to anothedr part of the buildint where the blaze is focused.
Firefightersx have been unable to get water into part of the which has caused the fire to continue to he said. "This is a very old and large Mayer said. McCue had calles on all residents and businessew in Cudahyand St. Francis to curb theirf use of water while firefighters continue to battlre a blaze that repeatedly flared up throughoutthe day. At about McCue considered requesting a National Guarfd presence in Cudahyto "secure the city's should the fire continue on into the nighty and force residents to remain away from their But later in the day, he said he no longere anticipated that the National Guard would be In addition to the evacuation of residentz in the area, businesses within the evacuationj area also have closed, includiny the vast majority along Packard Avenue, McCue said.
The closurese include the city's largest employers. In addition to the city'xs largest single employer, Patrick Cudahy, the fire has forcedf the temporary closuresof , , and the Pick 'b Save location on Packard Avenue south of the The chain's operator, Roundy's Supermarketsa Inc. of Milwaukee, said its Pick 'nm Save store in St. Francis, on Whitnalpl Avenue, remained open and provided water to the Ladish Co. sent its first shif t of workers home Monday and is askingits second-shift workerz not to report to work. The forging operationm has yet to decide whether tohave third-shift workersa report to the plant, 5481 S. Packards Ave.
Patrick Cudahy posted on its Web , to provide more informatio n for neighbors, employees and customers.
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