vendredi 2 septembre 2011

Last month, Columbus, Ohio-based Retail Venturese Inc. sold the iconic chain to , a Californiz company that bills itself as one of the largest retail liquidatoras inNorth America. This month, Filene’w filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, citinh weak sales during the downturn. The fate of the downtown Baltimorr store depends on the outcome of the bankruptcy The entire company is up for sale and at leasyt three companies are biddingon it. They include , a Californiza real estate investment and fellow discount storewSyms Corp.
and Men’s “It’s still business as said Bill Parness, a Buxbaum But during a recent visit, it was apparent that severalp areas of the storelacked merchandise. A store clerk told the that the storer has not received any new inventorysince April. Earlied this year, Filene’s shuttered 11 of its 26 storee nationwide. The closures included Columbia, Towsojn and Hunt Valley stores. It kept its two-year-old downtown Baltimore store open.
Filene’s executives could not be reachedfor

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