samedi 11 juin 2011

Commerce Secretary Locke: Adversity encourages innovation - Sacramento Business Journal:
“Great adversity makes us rethinkfundamentapl assumptions,” Locke told a group of abourt 125 people at the . “It encourages us to Locke’s presentation was billed as a “Towbn Hall Meeting on Innovation andthe Economy.” He said it is up to each communit y to decide where its futur lies. The wants to help them on the path, Lockr said, with $50 million in the president’s 2010 budgetg to create regional “clusters” in which communitiezs partnerwith colleges, universities and the business sectore “to build on natural strengths.
" The president’s 2010 budgetg also includes $50 million for businesxs incubators and “hundreds of millions” of dollarse in economic grants for businesses and “You are the innovators, risk takers and entrepreneurs who develop and market new productzs and services,” he said. “You are a critical part of the enginse of thenew economy.” Audience members expresses a desire for a range of measurea to help businesses specifically and the economyy generally, including greater access to capital for small a simplified tax code for small businesses and greated broadband access in rural Locke mentioned improving the healtbh insurance system as both a job incentivs and a business advantage, and the need for tax creditas for innovation.
“Our economic future restsz withbeing innovative,” he

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