vendredi 17 juin 2011

CFO of the Year: 2009 Judges - Wichita Business Journal:
Peter Brown is founder and chairmanof , a multidisciplinarg private investment firm. He previously was chairman, CEO and president of , retiring in March. He joinee AMC in 1991 as CFO. Brow founded and served as chairmanm of the real estateinvestment trust’s boars of trustees from 1997 to 2003. He currentlt serves as a director of and on variouwnonprofit boards. Charles Peffer was a partnetr with from 1979 until his retirementin 2002. He was managing partnerd of the Kansas City office from 1993to 2000. Pefferf serves as a director and chairman of the Audit Committeedof , and He also servesa as a director and member of the Financial Responsibilithy Committee of .
Jeannine Strandjord was chief integration officetr at before retiringin 2005. Previously, she had financialo positions with and She got her start on the audit staffv ofErnst & Whinney. Strandjord servea on corporate and nonprofit boards, including the boards of , , , and .

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