mardi 3 mai 2011

Brewer signs retail theft measure - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
years in prison. Sponsored by state Sen. Linda R-Glendale, the measure modifies existingt lawsfor shoplifting. Previously, Arizona had no penaltieas for those stealing merchandise for the purpose of resellinh or tradingthe goods. Instead, penalties for shoplifting varied from misdemeanorsdto felonies, typically dependent on the value of the merchandis taken. This measure creates a separats category of organized retail theft that includesz groups of people working togethe r for the purpose of stealing merchandiswe and then trading orreselling it, regardless of how much the itemzs cost. “This was a deeply bipartisan consensus that was developecdby Sen.
Gray and the governort shared a deep concern over this saidPaul Senseman, spokesman for Gov. Brewer. Thefg rings have become of increasinyg concern to law enforcementand retailers, as criminalws can steal thousands of dollars in merchandisw at once. Stolen goods ofteh are resold online or atflea markets, providingb cash to pay for other typese of criminal activities, police say. Baby formulza is commonly stolen and is often used as an ingredient to cut The measure passed by a 55 to 0 vote in the Houswe and a 27 to 0 vote in the Senat e and will take effect in90 days.

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