mardi 19 juillet 2011

Report: $213M in stimulus money spent in Colorado so far - Denver Business Journal:
million in funds from the federall stimulus plan has been spent in Coloradkoto date, Gov. Bill Ritter announced Thursday in the first of a series of reports on locaolstimulus spending. The money spent locallyg from the American Recovery and Reinvestmeng Act so far includes increase payments forMedicaid services, increased unemploymenr benefits to laid-off and one-time $250 checks to Social Security the state report More than $1 billion is coming to the statr from the stimulus program over the next four the report said. • $1.2 million for meals to low-income seniors. • $7 million in research grants to University of Coloradop doctorsand scientists.
• $60 milliomn for about 30 drinking water and wastewatefrimprovement projects. “The Recovery Act has been supportint working families and individuals across Colorado to make ends meet during this difficultfeconomic time,” Ritter said in a statement. “No w we are seeing the launchb of a wave of projects that willprovide long-term benefits to the At the same time, my staff is helping to make sure a significan t amount of funds is directed toward boostingf our New Energy Colorado expects to receive a total of $7 billionn through the stimulus plan over the next two some of it in funding for programz and some of it in tax breaks. .

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