The Waltham, Mass., Web-services company will blend Mass.-based Forum Systems’ services into Crosscheck’s offerings to bettetr assist companies building andimplementing software-as-a-servic business applications. Mahmoon Yunus, former Forum Systemsz president and chieftechnology officer, will run Crosschecj Networks as president and CEO. Forum Systems will operatee as a wholly owned subsidiary run by vice presidenty of operationsRizwan Mallal. Forunm Systems will move to Waltham and the combinefd company will employ about40 people.
“This acquisitionj is the natural progression of the relationship betweeb our companies and addresses the changing requirements of Mallal said ina statement. more than ever in thesew difficulteconomic times, organizations are seekinhg competitive advantage. By facilitating more interoperable andautomated processes, we are helpingf enterprises compress project timelines, reduce time-to-marketr and ultimately publish their services more quickly than ever before.
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