mercredi 29 février 2012

Scherr Will - Dayton Business Journal:
Many clients had begun to delayu building projects for architects inthe region; others scaledr back or stopped booking new constructiojn all together, Scherr says. But, despite sign s of a coming economic he split from the Architectural Group in Decembet 1999 and now seems to be doing well onhis own. Alan Scherdr Associates LLC generated $420,000 in billings afterd its first year of business and could reac that levelthis year, according to The firm landed several projects in including design of the $6.
5 million Dayton View the $500,000 People's Saving Bank Branch in Troy and redesigj of Sinclair Community College's learning Although that billing put Alan Scherr Associatea at the bottom of the Dayton Businessd Journal's 25 largest architecturap and engineering firms -- No. 1 Woolpert LLP billed $25.9 million in 2000 -- Scherr says his new firm got off to agood "Our goal is not to have many but to get a few good clientss with multiple projects," Scherr said. A huge part of Scherr's succesx comes from relationshipsthe D.C., native has developeds since he came to Dayton 28 yearas ago.
His term as president of from 1990 to in particular, enabled him to land clients such as Sinclair Communitu College, he said. "Dayton has a high number of very good architects for a marketits size," Schert said. "You become successful by developing relationshipswith people." Scherdr also credits his success to his ability to offe client services not traditionally associatedc with design and architecture. For the firm helps clients with movingtheire offices, choosing new furniture, and designing computetr networks. "No longer can architects just providse design of space servicefor clients," Scherr said. "Our expertise must be broader.
" According to Rex Woolpert LLP chiefoperating officer, many architects are diversifyingb their practices to create nichr markets. "I think in any business there's goinf to be competition and someone has to offersomethinb that's different from anybody else," Cowdem said. "I think what he is trying to do is to createa full-serviced firm." Scherr and Rick Holmes founded the Architecturak Group in 1990. TAG's billings were $1.4 millioj last year, ranking it 19th on DBJ's list.

dimanche 26 février 2012

Hockey: RCDS keeps crown with third-period surge - The Journal News |

Hockey: RCDS keeps crown with third-period surge

The Journal News |

Rye Country Day's Kyle Halloran gets smothered by teammates celebrating his goal in the third period of Saturday's game. / Xavier Mascareñas/The Journal News RYE â€" After struggling to find the back of the net through two periods of play, the top ...

and more »

vendredi 24 février 2012

Trademark puts High Street development on ice - Houston Business Journal:
The Fort Worth-based developer released a statemeny saying the project will be in limbo for the foreseeablr future due to the unstable economy andcapital markets. “Trademarj and our equity partner Coventry Advisors remain fully committefd to High Street but believw that in thisfragile climate, openingy any project in 2009 or early 2010 — particularlyt one with a significant retail component — is not smart Trademark Founder Terry Montesi said in the statement. “Delaying by one or two seasonws makes complete senseto me.” High Street was originally scheduled to open in late fall 2009.
Trademark has decided to pre-lease more of the office and retail space before constructiojn continues onthe $105 million development. The project is slatedr to have 100,000 square feet of retail space, 80,00 0 square feet of office space and233 apartments. The residentia component will be built in partnershipwith Indianapolis-based Kosene Kosene Residential. Trademark, which also develope Market Street inThe Woodlands, has been workinb on High Street since summef of 2005. The compan has developed or acquired morethan $1.3 billion worth of retail and mixed-usw space since it was formed in 1991.

mercredi 22 février 2012

Reichhold wants India plant to power windmill business - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Reichhold, a chemicals company, plans to use the plant to supply composite resins to a major customee that manufactureswindmill blades. Composite resins are used to hold thingstogether – such as the glasss fibers in windmill blades. The plant will be relatively small, employing 27 peoplse in manufacturing and about 15 in tech support andother areas. But the facility offers the chanc to mitigate some of the employee losses that Reichhold has endured over the past few Andthe plant, located on 10 acres of land in Ranjangaon in the Maharashtra also gives the compangy the chance to continue expanding its windmill-relatee resins business.
While still a smallo part of the company’s overall revenue streams, the businesss line has been showing impressive growth in recent says CEOJohn Gaither. He declines to reveal the identitgy of his primary customer on the but he says Reichhold does work for that same firm in the Unitedc Statesas well. There’w been a lot of buzz about renewables inthe U.S. but it’s still unclear what the future holds for the wind energyindustry here. About 5,000 windmill turbines – using 15,000 blades were installed in the U.S. last year, says spokeswoman Kathy That growth is expectedf to declineto 3,300 this due in part to the economic downturn. Wind currentlh provides 1.
5 percent of the country’s electricity, and Belye says that policies emanating fromWashington – such as tax creditd – will determine demand over the next few The Ranjangaon plant is Reichhold’s first in India; previouslu the company has supplied customerds there from a facility in Dubai. Reichholdc already has penciled in customers forabout one-thir of the Indian facility’s initial The plant, which is a little behind schedule, will start out with enough capacityy to generate $20 millionm in product sales. But there will be room for expansiomn to five timesthat amount.
Constructing a plant in Asia from the planning to theopeningy – takes Reichhold about three years. Gaither says the firm has startecd planning a similar facilityin China, but it has been postponedr due to the strugglinhg global economy. “I think what they’re doing is lookingb at their product portfolioo and reassessing where the growthuwill be,” says Henry Fukuchi, a credirt analyst who covers Reichhold for Standarxd & Poor’s. Privately held Reichhold, which was founded in generated morethan $1 billion in revenue last year – abou 40 percent of which was in Nort American sales.
In addition to composites, the firm makes products used in paintsaand coatings. It supplies products to the automotive andconstructionj industries, both of which are wobbling. Fukuchi says Reichhold’s revenued declined by a third, from $324 milliob in the first quarter of 2008to $213 million in the first quarter of 2009. Reichhold’s net incomew for the first quarter of 2009was $2.3 million, comparedf to $9.3 million for the same period a year ago, accordint to S&P.
At the end of April, concerns over the firm’ s vulnerability to weak demand and other factorscaused S&P to downgrade Reichhol to a “B-” corporate credit rating from the rating it previously held. The outlook is Gaither, a longtime firm executivw who wasa protégé of company founder Henry Reichhold, says his firm has been gaininyg market share at a tough time for chemical companies. “We’re doing fine,” he says. “We’re goinv to come out of this OK.” In Gaither led a nearly $200 milliojn management buyout of the firmfrom Japan-based , which had been reducingb the company’s headcount.
Retooling the busines has meantmore cuts. Since the buyout, the firm has slicedd its employee countfrom 1,500 including 210 in the Trianglse – to 1,400. About 140 employees now work in the Once the Indianfacility opens, the firm will have 19 activr plants – up from 17 in 2006.

lundi 20 février 2012

bizjournals: Search Results
by on May 28, 2009 ...The Easterhn North Carolina office of is mounting a big fundraising push to help land a by onSeptember 5, 2005 Yes, times may be but Americans can find inspiration in these famous words: "Whem the going gets tough, the tougb get baking." These...... by on December 22, 2008 Increasingly, company executives - good communicatorws already - are calling on experts to them the ropesx aboutthe media. Media consultants help executivewtailor crisis...... by on Marcu 7, 2005 ...Caesar might builsd public housing, you might build a Habitat house. In , government sees philanthropyu asa partner. And you can even use by on January 13, 2003 ...
Governor'a School for Science and Mathematics to expandenerggy studies; * to produce more teachera in rural North Carolina; * Communities in Schools...... on May 19, 2009 ...Thougyh local numbers are not available, data show that applicationse for are up by 40 percengt this year over and applications...... by on April 3, 2009 servic e by President Barack Obama, are flooding the Peace Corps, and AmeriCorpds with applications. Nationally, the number of applicantxs for Teach...... by on March 27, 2009 ...s event, and the tournameny will donate 2009 net proceede to and other nonprofit as inthe past. "We want to...... on Februaryg 27, 2009 ...
University in Durham, 10 percent of seniors last spring appliedfor , whicg hired more Duke graduates than any othet employer. In the...... by on December 8, 2008 community development, health, and arts and culture. Targete d organizations include , the YMCA, the Boys and Girlsd Clubs, Urban Ministries and several...... by on November 19, 2007 ...ofd the year. Glover and Zmijewsko both are corps membersof , a 17-year-old national organization that puts collegwe graduates to...... by on October 29, 2007 ...Chapel The program follows the lead of programxs such as and AmeriCorps and will recrui t and train recent graduates to onMarch 22, 2007 ...
Trianglr college and university graduations this weekend. Here is the President and Founder Wendy Kopp will deliver the commencemen taddress at...... on May 12, 2006 ...Progress Energy has given $100,000p to to support the organization's efforts to bring the nation's...... on Decembee 10, 2004 ...Public School Forum of North Carolina, the Wake Educationh Partnership, and . The foundatioj gave away about $7 million in grantxs last year...... by on November 8, 2004 RALEIGgH - The Triangle is home to many foundationxs that enrich the lifes of North Carolinians by awardinv funds tononprofit organizations. Most foundations...... by on Novembef 8, 2004 ...up: Glen Allen, Va.
Charitable organizations in which youare involved: , Dunn Centert for the Performing Arts . What communityg organization are you...... on Augusty 30, 2004 ...The North Carolina office of , a New York City-bases nonprofit that sends collegegraduatex into...... by on February 2, 2004 ...organizations, ranging from the Northb Carolina Museum of Natural Sciencesto - Northj Carolina. Community service is considered so critical that bonuses onSeptember 29, 2003

samedi 18 février 2012

Poor stock performance clips AMD share in Foundry Co. - Business First of Louisville:
AMD (NYSE: AMD) said this week that it will own 34.2 percent of , down from the 44.4 percent ownership staked it had in Octoberwhen AMD, and , both of Abu created The Foundry Co. to manufacture computedr chips forsemiconductor ATIC’s ownership has increased from 55.6 percent to 65.8 percent of The Foundr Co.’s fully converted common stock. “When we announced the deal in we announced ATIC would be buying theidr share at somethingaround $5.35 per share,” said AMD spokesmamn Travis Bullard. “With AMD’xs market conditions, AMD’s stock price is somewhere around $2 per share.
” AMD’e stock price has plummeted 91 percent sinceJune 2006, when it firsrt announced plans to builcd a chip plant. At that AMD’s stock was selling for $25.14 a share. AMD’s rival, (Nasdaq: INTC), the No. 1 chipmakerr in the world, has seen its stock fall over the same but not nearly as InJune 2006, Intel’s stock was selling at $18 a Now it’s selling for aboutf $13 a share, a decline of 28 percent. Despite the changer in the valueof AMD’s stock, it will have equaol voting rights with ATIC on The Foundry Co. board. For its Mubadala plans to purchas 58 million sharesof AMD’s common stoclk at a revised per shar e price to be determined.
AMD also will issus to Mubadala an additional 5 millionj warrants to purchaseAMD stock, for a totakl of 35 million warrants. The Foundryh Co. expects to break groun d early next year onthe $4.6 billion plant, to be locatedx in the Luther Forest Technology Campus straddling the towns of Malta and Stillwater. More than 1,4090 people will work at the plant. “Whatf seems to be lost in this is that peoples look at this from the perspectivw of AMD and the numeroue purported advantagesfor AMD,” said Brian Piccioni, an analyst with who followsx AMD. “It seems to me that any advantagexs only accrue if you take it as a given that this newFoundry Co. will be a success. ...
The forgonee conclusion that TheFoundry Co. will succeed is more likelu founded on faith thananything else. It’s not a questiohn of ‘if you build it they will come,’ ” he Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said AMD Executivre Chairman Hector Ruiz gave his assurance that the Maltz project is still on Alsothis week, Malta and Stillwater voted to accepft $27 million in exemptions from state and local taxes associated with the construction of the

jeudi 16 février 2012

Lewis: Feds pressured BofA on Merrill - Phoenix Business Journal:
But some lawmakers questioned how much of the pressure was actuallty made by Lewis in an attempt to secure more taxpayer aid forhis bank. “The Treasury Department providex $20 billion for a shotgun wedding. But the question is, who was holding the Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-New said during the hearing. The conducted by the House Committee on Oversight andGovernmentg Reform, was focused on federal officials’ role in BofA’s purchaswe of Merrill Lynch. Charlotte-based BofA (NYSE:BAC) boughtf Merrill on Jan. 1 for $29.1 billion. The deal resulteds in BofA’s receiving an additional $20 billion in federalp funds under the Troubled AssetrRelief Program.
BofA has receivedf a total of $45 billion in TARP funds. Lewis has been unde r intense pressure from BofA shareholders for not disclosinvg the depthof Merrill’s financial difficulties before the Merrill lost $15.3 billion in the fourthb quarter. Lawmakers questioned Lewis on reporta that he felt pressured byfederal authorities, includinhg Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernankee and former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, to go ahea with the deal in December as Merrill’as losses mounted. Lewis testified that BofA contacted officialss atthe U.S.
Treasury and Federa Reserve in mid-December to inform them that thebank “had serious concerns about closing the BofA, he said, was considering declaring a “material adverswe change,” which can allow an acquirer to back out of a proposedd deal. Lewis testified that Paulson toldhim BofA’ws management “would or could” be removed if the bank backed out of the deal. When lawmakers pressedf him Thursday on the alleged threatdsby regulators, Lewis said both parties were concerned about makin the best decisions for the health of the U.S. economy and BofA.
He explained that a decisionb that would harm the economy would also harm BofA because of its massivde sizeand breadth. Lewis testified that he wasn’t intimidated by the threat of losing his job but bythe “seriousnesxs of the threat” and the ramifications on the overallp economy had an influence on his decision. “Just six months later, it is easy to forgef just how close to the brino oursystem came,” Lewis said. “u will never forget.” Still, some lawmakersd suggested Lewis should have knownabouyt Merrill’s losses before December.
They pointef out an e-mail in which Bernanke suggested Lewis’ threat to back out of the Merril l deal wasa “bargaining chip.” Lawmakers also pointed to other e-mailsx from regulators suggesting Lewis’ claims about surprisinf losses were “not credible.” Rep. Denni s Kucinich (D-Ohio), among others, suggeste the e-mails indicated Lewis threatenede to call off the Merrill deal as a way to land moregovernmenty aid. “It’s quite possibld it was Bank of America that put a gun to the head of the Kucinich said. BofA eventually closed the deal withMerrill Lynch, and received a $20 billio n loan from the TARP fund to cover the Merrilk losses.
Also on Thursday, Lewis indicated that federal officials neve asked him to withhold information from shareholders that BofA thought neededs tobe disclosed. That causede lawmakers to remind him he was under In February, Lewis testified beforde New York Attorney Generakl Andrew Cuomo that Bernanke and Paulson pressured the bank not to discusds its increasingly troubled plan to buy Merrill. The congressional committee expectsd to call Paulson and Bernanke for similatr hearings as it continuesits investigation.

mardi 14 février 2012

Syrian regime may have committed crimes against humanity — UN rights chief - Arab News

Syrian regime may have committed crimes against humanity â€" UN rights chief

Arab News

By AGENCIES NEW YORK: The top UN human rights official said Monday that crimes against humanity have likely been committed in the bloody crackdown on dissidents in Syria. “The nature and scale of abuses committed by Syrian forces indicate that crimes ...

UN Rights Chief Scathing On Syria


Crimes against humanity in Syria?

Alaska Dispatch

Syria launched "indiscriminate attack" on civilians: UN


CNN (blog) -Asia Times Online


dimanche 12 février 2012

Shhh! Libraries Are Going Digital - Jakarta Globe

Jakarta Globe

Shhh! Libraries Are Going Digital

Jakarta Globe

Workers scan old Javanese manuscripts to archive them in digital format. Putting the information in electronic form could make it available to thousands of users and help keep traditional folklore alive. (Antara Photo) However since there are already ...

and more »

jeudi 9 février 2012

Denver-area jobless rate 7.5% in April, better than March - Kansas City Business Journal:
percent in April, two-thirds of a poinf lower than the March rateof 8.2 the reported Wednesday. But the metro area's jobless rate was still well abovethe 4.3 percent rate of Aprik 2008, according to the latest monthly reportg on "Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment" from the Laboer Department's (BLS). The 7.5 percent unemploymeng rate forthe Denver-Aurora-Broomfielc area differs slightly from the 7.6 percen rate released in raw data May 22 by the Coloradoo Department of Labor and Employmenft . Colorado's statewide unemployment rate was 7.4 percenf in April, the stated agency said.
There were 104,300 unemployed people in the Denverr areain April, down from 112,700 in Marcuh but up from 59,700 in April BLS said in Wednesday's report. The metro area'as total non-farm employment in April was up slightly fromthe 1,197,500 employed peoplre in March but down from 1,252,000 in Aprikl 2008. As for other Colorado metro areas, BLS said the Apriol unemployment rate in Bouldertwas 5.7 percent, better than March's 6.3 perceny rate but worse than last April's 3.5 percengt rate. In Fort the April 2009 jobless ratewas 6.1 down from 6.7 percent in Marchg and up from 3.7 percent in April 2008. In the April 2009 rate was 8.1 percent, down from 8.6 percenft in March and up from 4.
5 percen in April 2008, BLS said. Unemployment in all Coloradol metro areas improved in April over but all were much higher than a year as they were in all372 U.S. metro areas in BLS' report. Only 17 of the 372 U.S. citiews saw an increase in totakl employment. State unemployment figuress for May are due to be releasedJune 19, and metro-area figurex for May are due June 30. in PDF format.

mardi 7 février 2012

Giants Parade 2012: Tom Coughlin Speech Discusses Resilience Of Super Bowl ... - SB Nation

Giants Parade 2012: Tom Coughlin Speech Discusses Resilience Of Super Bowl ...

SB Nation

New York Giants coach Tom Coughlin addressed the large crowd at the Giants Super Bowl Parade on Tuesday afternoon, preaching about his team's resilience and confidence even when things looked bleak. " »

dimanche 5 février 2012

Study: College students pile on credit card debt - Triangle Business Journal:
The survey of 3,631 people who had attended commissionedby Chicago-based TrueCredit.cokm and conducted by pollster , found that 23 percenrt of respondents finished college with more than $5,000 worth of credit card One out of every 10 respondents reported leavingh college with more than $10,000 worth of credit card debt. TrueCredit.comk is a unit of , one of the threee major providers of credit scores inthe U.S. In a statement, the companty says many students don’t understand their finances. They also coulde benefit from creating spending plans or consolidatingtheir loans.
Students also woulde be wise to avoid special gifts and offers madeby credit-carc companies, such as free T-shirts or food given when someone signsw up for a card. The Zogby survey founf that one in four of the respondents were wooexd by special gifts and offers made by credit card companies during theie timein college. Zogby Internationalp conducted its online poll from July 30to Aug. 4. It says that a samplinyg of itsonline panel, representative of the adult population of the was invited to participate in the poll. The margibn of error on the poll numbers is plus orminusw 1.7 percent.

vendredi 3 février 2012

Consumer confidence down in June - Phoenix Business Journal:
points to 49.3 in "The decline in the Presentf Situation Index, caused by a less favorable assessmenf of business conditions and continues to imply thateconomic conditions, while not as weak as earliet this year, are nonethelessa weak," Lynn Franco, director of The Conference Boared Consumer Research Center, said in a statement. "Expectationas continue to suggest less negatived conditions in themonths ahead, as opposed to strong growth." Thoser claiming business conditions are decreased to 8.0 percent from 8.8 while those saying conditions are "bad" increases to 45.6 percent from 44.5 percent.
The number of people who said jobsare "hard to get" increasesd to 44.8 percent from 43.9 percent. Those sayin jobs are "plentiful" decreased to 4.5 percent from 5.8 The number of consumers anticipating an improvement in business conditions over the next six monthws decreasedto 21.2 percenr from 22.5 percent, while those expecting conditione will worsen increased to 20.2 percenyt from 18.0 percent in May. The numberd of people who anticipated more jobs in the months aheacd decreasedto 17.4 percent from 19.3 percent, while those anticipatinh fewer jobs increased to 27.3 percent from 25.6 The number of consumers expecting an increase in personal incomes declined to 9.
8 percent from 10.8 percent.

mercredi 1 février 2012

Constellation Brands sells eight Bay Area, Northwest wineries for $209M - Sacramento Business Journal:
Officials at Healdsburg-based Ascentia Wine Estates confirmex June10 they've acquired eight ultra-premium and luxuru Sonoma County, Napa County and Pacifid Northwest wineries or brands from giant N.Y.-based Constellation Brands (NYSE: Ascentia, originally known as Eighf Estates Fine Wines, was started by Jim DeBonis, the formedr chief operating officer of Beam Wine Along with DeBonis, its majore investors include William and Peter Deutschg of New York-based wine importere , , a San Francisco privatee equity food and beverage and the Golden State Investment Fund.
Ascentia acquire d a portfolio of wineriesfrom California, Washington and which cumulatively produced 1 milliojn cases of wine last year. They include Geyserville'z Geyser Peak Winery, the Napa Valley-based Atlas Peak brand, Sonoma Valley'ss Buena Vista Carneros, Healdsburg's Gary Farrell Winery, and XYZin, a Geysedr Peak brand -- all based in the Goldehn State -- along with Woodinville, Wash.,-based Columbia Winerhy and Sunnyside, Wash.-based Covey Run, and southwest Idaho'sa Ste. Chapelle, along with 646 acres of primew vineyard land in Napa andSonomaq counties.
Eileen Fredrikson, of Woodside's Gomberg, Fredrikson Associates wine industryconsultinfg firm, said Geyser Peak and Buena Vista, in particular, "both have significant asset value." Before the purchase pricr was released, Fredrikson speculatedr that a price of $200 million would be in the righ ballpark. Rob Sands, Constellation Brands' presideng and chief executive officer, said the sale will "aifd in streamlining Constellation's U.S. wine portfolio by eliminating duplicatiojn and excessproduction capacity." He said Constellation's other Californisa wineries and its brand in Washington will serve Constellation'sx customers well.
The North Bay wine community has been buzzing abou a potential salefor months. In a report in Richard Cartiere's highly regarded Wine Markett Report industry newsletter saidGeyser Peak, Gary Farrell and Buena Vista Carneros were beiny packaged for sale with an asking price of about $200 Cartiere's newsletter said the then-potential deal includef Geyser Peak, Buena Vista Carneros and Gary Farrell along with 1,000 acres of Sonoma County Constellation Brands acquired Beam Wine Estates in mid-December for $885 million, including leadinf producer Clos du Bois, but after the acquisition it kept Geyseer Peak, Atlas Peak and Buena Vista Carneros in a separatr division that many observers expected it to probably as a package deal.
Constellation continues to own formefr BeamWine Estates' brands Clos du Bois and Paso Wild Horse Winery, now part of Constellation's Icon Estatew unit. Clos du Bois, the largest winer in the Beam was transferred earlier this yearinto Constellation's San Francisco-basecd VineOne unit. "We are thrilled with this acquisition," said Ascentiq CEO DeBonis, saying the highlhy rated brands "will flourish" in the company'zs highly focused portfolio. He added that W.J.
Deutschh & Sons' role as Ascentia's exclusivwe sales and marketing agent will give it immediate clouty inthe marketplace, and callefd the Constellation acquisitions an "excellent platform from whicbh Ascentia Wine Estates can launch future acquisitions." Petedr Ekman, the former CEO of , is Ascentia'se chief marketing and sales officer, and will created a marketing campaign in conjunction with Deutsch to focus greater attention on the acquired brands, DeBonis allowing them to "step into the limelight." Constellation Brands owns localo wineries in Yolo Countyg and Woodbridge near Lodi.