mercredi 30 novembre 2011
Developer of proposed 93-story condo works to add parking - South Florida Business Journal:
shareholder Lucia Dougherty saidMiami Beach-base is working on a redesign of Empire'sz garage to provide more than 1,500 parkin spaces, instead of the about 1,300 in the currenyt proposal. The change was triggeref by the MiamiCity Commission's continuance of the application on Feb. 28. Commissionerf Marc Sarnoff made the motion to give the developer an additional 30 days to addressthe commission's concerns.
Commissioners Tomas Regalado and Angel Gonzalez joined with Chairman Joe Sanchezand Vice-Chair Michells Spence-Jones absent for the Sarnoff said he continued the item until March 27 because of the parkiny issue and because he didn't think cars had adequate entry and exit He said the project, which accommodates some parking usinhg lifts to stack cars, needs a minimum of one parkinfg space per condo unit. The developer may add as many as two floors of parkin g tothe 93-story buildings, but is workingb to avoid having to reduce spacew in another part of the buildings.
Architecft Kobi Karp said he may accomplish this by slightlyreducinfg floor-to-ceiling heights and possibly by eliminating some work/live to accommodate the extra spaces. The prior proposal had 1,321 spaces - compared with the 1,557 beinv incorporated into the modifiedproposal - one for each unit. Doughertt said developer Leon Cohen's original proposal includesd 1,557 parking spaces. The original parkinvg plan was reduced to accommodateecity staff. "The city always suggests that you provide less parkinfg because they want you to usepublicf transportation," she noted.
Cohen did not respond to a request for Laura Lavernia, acting spokeswoman for the Miamoi Planning and Zoning Department, did not return calls or an e-mail seekinb comment. As for getting in and out of the Dougherty said Empire World has two lanezs going out and one lanegoin in, and will add another for entering the property to addresz Sarnoff's concerns. The proposal Sarnoff and the otherf commissioners deferred to March was also slightlytaller - at 1,0221 feet in height. The 1,010-foot height is necessar y to meet height Dougherty said.
Cohen envisioned the towers in 2005 as risingto 1,20o0 feet and having 1,000 condominiums and 500 condo-hotel Cohen's current vision, although smaller, is anathema to the current downturn hobbling the residentia condo and single-family home market. he doesn't plan to buildx for another fewyears - possibly five - untipl the market has turned, Doughertt said. The proposed towers would surpass the localheight leader, Miami'sz Four Seasons Hotel and Tower. But it woulx be slightly smaller than developer TiborHollo 's proposed One Bayfront Plazaw project, which would rise to 1,049 feet at 100 S. Biscayne Blvd. The Miami Planning Advisory Boardon Jan.
16 approved a permirt for Empire's twin 1,022-fooft towers at 300 Biscayne Blvd. The project callsz for 1,557 residential units, 3,317 square feet of officd space, 24,741 of retail space and 1,321 parking Cohen may not be the end He has advertised the site on commerciakl listing service LoopNetat $80 million. Jack McCabe, CEO of in Deerfielr Beach, said concerns abouy the impact of hurricanes on buildings ofEmpire World's heighy may be enough to scare away
dimanche 27 novembre 2011
Board of Trade: Expect Metro disruption - Business First of Columbus:
Jim Dinegar, president and CEO of the area'w leading business group, sent an e-mai l to business leaders urging locakl employers to work with employees affected by the which occurred on the Red Line betweebn the Fort Totten and Takoma stationws duringrush hour. “There is every reasoh to expect that significant disruption will occur on the Red Line for days to Dinegar wrote. “I encourage you to consider sending out an immediates communication to those on your staff who will be affected by the crash on the Red He suggested employersoffer “aggressivwe use of flex time, telecommutingf or other methods” to their employees to ease demanc on the Red Line.
In a news release, Metro warned customerse to avoid the Red Line on Monday and saying there will be significant delays as investigators examinethe wreckage. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those hurt bythis tragedy,” Dinegad wrote.
vendredi 25 novembre 2011
Alabaster's loss is Calera's gain - Birmingham Business Journal:
Alabaster officials acknowledge that wasthe case, although they'res quick to note that things are differeny in the two years since Mayorf David Frings and a new City Councill took office. "They're absolutely right. Alabastere used to be an anti-growth community. Actually, that's why they hired me to turn it around," says Cam Ward, Alabaster'x director of economic development, who is unopposes in November for a seat in the Alabama Hous eof Representatives.
"The Super Wal-Mart going to Caleras and the factthe (Shelby County) airport was annexed into Calera are both due to the fact Alabastert hasn't been friendly" to commercial developers and the businesz community in general, Ward Rather than throw Ward commended Calera Mayor George Roy and Pelham Mayord Bobby Hayes for reeling in developmentg Alabaster shunned, primarily by limiting extension of its sewer system. "Alabaster is still the population center of Shelby but we're working hard to catchj up with those two," Ward says. "Thwe city has mended fences and turnedr around in theopposite direction.
We're extremely proactive in thebusiness community," Mayoer Frings says. Evidence is Alabaster wooing Aronov Realty'x Whitestone Center on Alabama 119, which will be anchoref by a Publix The Shelby West Corporats Park at the north end of the Shelby Countt Airport has recently attracted new large warehous e tenants such as Birmingham Tobacck andArmstrong Relocation, the local franchise of Unitecd Van Lines. But it wasn'ft always that way. "I told the mayor (Roy), 'One of the best thingzs that happened to you is when Alabaster shutdown development.
' They just didn'tf seem to want says former Shelby County Probate Judg Tommy Snowden, who served from 1977-95, and is now a residential and commerciao real estate agent workinbg Calera with Re/Max First Choice in Pelham. Part of Alabaster'd problem, Snowden says, was political infighting. "Thr city fathers sort of seemed like they squabbledsamong themselves, while Calera was more organized like Pelham and (Mayor) Bobby Hayes," Snowden recalls. "Alabastee made you feel like they didn'yt want you there," adds Mark Clayton, developef of several Calera projects viahis I-65 Propertiez and Clayton and Clayton Realty.
"Most everybodyg who has tried to develop there will tell you the same Clayton says. "But it was 180 degrees when you talkef with Calera andMayor Roy. They were even easief to work with thanShelby County." Roy was such a help that Claytonj was successful naming the road through his Millennium Park commercialo thoroughfare "George Roy Parkway." But while Caleraq bends over backward to welcomed commercial and residential development, Roy shrewdly uses the city'sw sewer and natural gas infrastructure to Calera's advantage. "Thes e subdivisions said they wanted to be on oursewe system. We told them, 'Good. Be in the Roy says proudly.
"It was our calling card to get themin Indeed, a map shows pockets of annexed land far from Calera'xs town center, encompassing upscale subdivisions such as Shelby Springs Farms and Willow Cove, whicgh is near the Chilton County line. Developeras are nearly unanimous in their praisefor Roy, the congenialo 74-year-old mayor, who firstg took office in 1966. Roy, they say, is the key to makingf the wheels ofdevelopment turn. "j can't say enough good things aboufMayor Roy," says Mike Graham, president of Graham and Co., developer of a $15 million, 500,000-square-footf multi-tenant warehouse in the Shelby Commerced Park on U.S. 31.
"When we bringh prospects to Calera, we make a point to let them meet himbecausse he's such a positive influence. He gives businesspeopler the confidence that the citysupportw business."
mercredi 23 novembre 2011
Former AngioDynamcs CEO takes top spot with Delcath - The Business Review (Albany):
Hobbs’ new job is president and CEO of (Nasdaq: which announced the news on Monday. The company did not say what 51, will earn. Hobbs replacesx Richard Taney, who will remain with the company on its boardcof directors. Hobbs has been a board member sincdeOctober 2008. Delcath’s medical devices focus on cancee treatments. The New York City-based company is testinb a new system for deliverinbg drugs to treat liver Company leaders said a growing push to commercializwe their products led them tohire Hobbs. “Eamonhn is a proven leader with extensive experiencew in all aspects of medicaldevice commercialization,” said Dr.
Harolsd Koplewicz, chairman of Delcath’s board. Delcath has accumulated $45.8 million of net losses sincw it openedin 1988. Last fiscal the company posted a net lossof $6.9 million, or 27 centa per diluted share. "We have had no revenuwe to date, a substantial accumulated deficit, recurrint operating losses and negativecash flow,” the company said in its latest annuaol report, issued earlier this year. Hobbs is the co-founder and forme r CEO of (Nasdaq: ANGO), a medical devicre company in Queensbury. AngioDynamics focuses on oncology, radiology and vascular AngioDynamicshad record-high revenure of $166.5 million in its latest fiscal year, whicu ended in May.
Hobbsa stepped down from his role as presidenyt and CEO at AngioDynamicsin March, and he was replacerd by Jan Keltjens. Hobbs remained vice chairmaj untilMay 8, when he resigned that position and left the At the time, AngioDynamics said his resignation was not prompted by any disagreementw with the company.
lundi 21 novembre 2011
Southern Co. faces friendly critics at annual meeting - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Even shareholders who submitted proposals opposed by the company had kind wordsa forSouthern Co. (NYSE: SO) executives and their willingnesa to discuss sensitive issues ofcarbomn emissions, coal plants and climate “We have been discussing these issues with the company for a long time, and we want to acknowledgee tremendous progress over the years,” Sister Barbara Airews told CEO David Ratcliffe.
Sisted Aires spoke on behalf of the Sisterw of Charity of Saint Elizabeth of New Jersey and other religioues groups that had introduced a shareholder proposal for the companyt to prepare an environmental report that woulcd outline the actions needed to reduce total CO2 emissionsxby September. While commending the company for havint a 2050 target date to reducs current carbon emissions by80 percent, Sistee Aires said she was concerned that the Southern Co.’ds “short and intermediate” plans to reduce emission are inadequate. “I’m helpingf the company here,” she said. “Don’ft think shareholders that we areenemies here.” Mark a Southern Co.
shareholder from Woodland, Ga., who is chairmab of the ’s Georgia chapter, asked about the increased risk shareholders might have as the federal government adoptsa tightercarbon regulations. “Why are we not doinvg more to mitigate our carboh risk and why are you building a coal planftin Mississippi,” Woodall asked After the shareholders’ proposals were defeated, Ratcliffe addressw shareholders by giving favorable financial and operationapl reports.
The company also will increasw its dividends to shareholders thisnext “It will be the 246th consecutive 61 years, that we have paid dividends,” Ratcliffe But Ratcliffe devoted much of his talk to shareholders to talk aboutr energy efficiency, conservation, alternative energy generatio n such as biomass, wind, solare and hydro-electric power. Ratcliffe was particularly pleaseed to say that the company is moving forwar d with two new nuclear plants at the existinyg Plant Vogtlenear Augusta, Ga. And he said the compang is working cutting-edge technology to produce clean coal. Southern Co.’s facility in Alabama is with the to researcjh ways to capturecarbon emissions.
He also said the new coal plan in Mississippi was using coalgasification technology, whichj the company thinks is “ready for commercial The goal is for the plant to capture 50 to 60 percentf of the CO2 emissions, the equivalent of the emissions of a naturalo gas plant. “No single one of these technologies will solve all of our Ratcliffe said. “We need a portfolio.”
samedi 19 novembre 2011
Fed expects little inflation - Washington Business Journal:
The Fed’s benchmark interest rate was held steady in a rangew of 0to 0.25 The Fed “continues to anticipate that economicx conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levelz of the federal funds rate for an extendexd period,” it said in a statement released following its Despite rising energy and commodity prices, “the committere expects that inflation will remain subdued for some the statement said. The Federal Reserve also left its bond purchaswplans unchanged, repeating its commitment to buy up to $1.
25 trillion of agency mortgage-backed securities and up to $200 billio n of agency debt by the end of the The Federal Reserve also will buy up to $300 billionb of Treasury securities by The Fed now believes the pace of economi c contraction is slowing, citing further signs of household spendinfg stabilizing and improving conditions in the financia markets. Among economic reports that may supportthe Fed’w belief that the economy will soon be on the mend was the latest data on factory orders, showing orders for durable goodz unexpectedly rose in May for the secons consecutive month.
jeudi 17 novembre 2011
RealtyTrac records indicate that a noticw ofa trustee’s sale has been filedf on homes matching the description of Adams’ Nortn Portland Kenton neighborhood homes. The notice indicates that the homese will be put upfor auction. , whicuh broke the story, noted that lender has filed a “notice of meaning he’s defaulted on his loan agreemenft withhis lender. Adams told the paper he’es catching up on his mortgage afterpayingt “significant” legal bills. The houses that face foreclosure are at2131 N. McClellann and 2121 N. McClellan. Adams lives in the 2121 He also owns a triple at2031 N. McClellan.
Adams, who makesz $118,144 yearly, is facing an impendingh recall, scheduled to kick off in early July, after admitting he had a sexual relationship withBeau Breedlove. The pair met befored Breedloveturned 18. Adams said the sexual relationshipo beganafter Breedlove’s 18th birthday. Oregon’ws attorney general is investigatingy whether Adams didanything improper. The mayor concededr that he lied aboutwhether he’d had sex with Breedlove when a politicap opponent first made the charge durin the 2008 primary campaign season.
lundi 14 novembre 2011
JaMychal Green leads No. 16 Alabama over Oakland 74-57 - Washington Post
Austin American-Statesman | JaMychal Green leads No. 16 Alabama over Oakland 74-57 Washington Post Alabama coach Anthony Grant thought his 16th-ranked Crimson Tide were a different team in the second half against Oakland. âWe played with great focus and great intensity, especi » |
samedi 12 novembre 2011
Kimya Dawson on âJunoâ and working with Aesop Rock - Washington Post (blog)
Express from The Washington Post | Kimya Dawson on âJunoâ and working with Aesop Rock Washington Post (blog) If you only knew Kimya Dawson from her twee, adorable contributions to the "Juno" soundtrack, you might have a hard time recognizing her now. On her new solo disc, "Thunder Thighs," the sometime frontwoman of the Moldy Peaches collaborates w ith ... Authentic & Autobiographical Thunder Clap Kimya Dawson brings lovable folk to Black Cat |
jeudi 10 novembre 2011
Economy takes bite out of eateries - Dayton Business Journal:
Local restaurants have been hit with a varietgy of cost increases this from minimum wage increases to fuel surcharge to rising healthcare costs. Whild restaurants have absorbedthe blows, the slow down in discretionary spendin g may be a shot to the jaw that some Dayton-area operatorws can’t recover from. Josef Reif has seen bad timew in the restaurantbusineses before, but never have so many differen factors nibbled on his profit. “We have neverf had to fight so many obstacles at said Reif, owner of in Kettering. “Everhy restaurant is feeling the pincjh in a time like When discretionarydollars decrease, diners often ditch dining out first.
The decline alreaduy has played a part in localrestauranf closings, including the Lincoln Park Grille in Kettering that is closingg by the end of the The National Restaurant Association’s Restaurant Performancwe Index tells the same A composite index that tracks the health and outlook of the U.S. restaurantt industry, the RPI is at its lowestf point in the past five With a number above 100 indicating and belowindicating contraction, the index stood at 96.7 in down 1.7 percent from That index remained at more than 100 for much of the periocd from mid-2003 to mid-2007.
According to the 15 percent of restaurants expect to have higher salez in the nextsix months, down from 30 percenf compared with September. And 50 perceny of restaurants expect worse economixc conditions in the nextsix months. Reif said his busineszs is down about 15 percent from this timelast “A lot of customers’ wallets have the Reif said. Jay Haverstick, owner of in said his business also is down from last but his losses will be about a thirdx oflast year’s because of cost-cutting. Mike general manager for in Miamisburgand Englewood, said businesx has held steady, but it isn’t growing like it had “It’s not horrible,” Leigh said.
“But when you have projecteed growth you’re not hitting, it starts to be a The original Chumps location in a familysports restaurant, had seen 10 percent to 15 percenf growth every year since 2005, but it is aboug even this year with last year. To get customers back in the restaurants are spending moreon advertising, adjustinh prices and highlighting specials. Reif introducefd a new “recession-proof” menu addition a few monthse back, which offers a three-courswe meal for $30. “Irf you take $30 to Dorothy Lane Market, you can’tr do that,” he said. “And when you add in the houre it takes toprepare it, you can practicallyy eat for free.
” TJ Chumps offer s five items on its lunch menu for unde $6 and has a buy one, get one half-off deal for entrees on Thursdays. Leighg said that deal started last year, but only recently did people staryt to take advantageof it. Leigh said advertisin spending has increased from little to nothintg toabout $1,000 a month for both locations. Chumpsw is putting ads in coupom circulars, local newspapers and some direct marketing packet sfor businesses. Restaurants also are looking at ways to cut Reif said he has focused on gettiny the best price for his freshy produce andother items.
mardi 8 novembre 2011
Oracle to Demonstrate How Cable Operators Can Rapidly Launch and Fulfill New ... - MarketWatch (press release)
Oracle to Demonstrate How Cable Operators Can Rapidly Launch and Fulfill New ... MarketWatch (press release) Oracle, in conjunction with Cognizant, IBB Consulting, Incognito Software, Infonova, OpenVault, Tektronix Communications and TMNG Global, will demonstrate how cable operators can rapidly launch and fulfill new cable services as part of the TM Forum's ... |
dimanche 6 novembre 2011
Farmers develops
Customers who add Farmers’ “Eco-Rebuild” option to their policies willhave access, as part of claims, to $25,000 to rebuilde or replace a home using materials, upgrade qualified homes to meet Energy Star requirements and be reimbursedf for recycling debris rather than disposingg of it. Jeff Reinig, seniorr vice president of home product management for says the company is workin g togive earth-conscious consumers an option previouslyu not available to them in “This is quite literally an investment in our global future and we are excitedf to be the industry leaders,” he Farmers is making the Eco-Rebuildx option available in 29 states altogether, includinb Texas.
Los Angeles-based Farmers is the nation’s third-largest personaol lines property and casualtyinsurance group. Farmeres provides homeowners, auto, business, life insurancwe and financial services to more than 10 million The company is a wholly owned subsidiaryof . Web
vendredi 4 novembre 2011
Lodgian names new CEO; reports Katrina damage - Business First of Louisville:
Edward J. Rohling, who the Atlanta-based hotel owner and operatodr (AMEX: LGN) as president on July 15, has been namedf the new CEO. Lodgian said Parrington will remain activer in thehospitality industry. "Tom did a remarkable job in turning ourcompany around," Rohling "We are wrapping up a $100 million-pluxs renovation program and our portfolio is in highl y competitive condition, with properties locatecd in strong and growing markets. In the company has significantly strengthened itsbalance sheet." Lodgian recently a $1.9 million profit for the second Prior to joining Lodgian, Rohling was the foundere and principal of The Rohlinfg Co.
, Hotel Equity Advisors, whichg provided acquisition, disposition, consulting and asseyt management services for more than 100 American and Europeamn hotels. Before that, he was a general partner of Harve Hotels, a predecessor of , and one of the founders of Bristolk Hotels. In other news, Lodgian reported two of its hoteles in New Orleans suffered damagd as a result of Hurricane One hotel remained open and is operatinhg in alimited capacity, while the other hotel is closed. A third Lodgiam hotel, the Courtyard by Marriott in Lafayette, La., 135 mile from New Orleans, was unaffected by the The 244-room Radisson New Orleans Airportin La.
, 10 miles northwest of New received moderate water damage on the first as well as wind damage to the roof and guest room tower, which affected approximatelt one-half of the guest rooms. Power has been restored to the propertt and construction crews have repaired the roof and driesd outthe building, Lodgianb said. Currently, two-thirds of the rooms are in very good with the remaining third expecteds to be backto pre-hurricane status by the end of The 205-room Quality Hotel & Conference Centee in Metairie, La.
, seven miles from downtowhn New Orleans, had more significany damage and is Water penetration damaged the first and secondf floors, and hurricane winds impacte the roof, awnings and blew out some windows. The companu hopes to have the property open in thefourthg quarter, pending full restoration of public services. Rohling said the company has not yet determinedthe hurricane'sx impact to its but that both of the affected properties are coveref by insurance, including coverage for business "We will bear the cost of insurance and we currently are determining repair and lost businesa estimates with our insuranc e carrier," he said.
mercredi 2 novembre 2011
Keep Rez Beautiful litter blitz coming up - Rankin Ledger
Keep Rez Beautiful litter blitz coming up Rankin Ledger A local beautification group recently was honored for its innovation in its litter-free campaigns, and the group plans to continue its mission by hosting a cleanup day at the Ross Barnett Reservoir this weekend. A litter cleanup hosted by Keep the Rez ... |